Is It Possible to Speed Up My Tummy Tuck Recovery?

Is It Possible to Speed Up My Tummy Tuck Recovery?

Abdominoplasty is one of the oldest yet most effective cosmetic surgeries and is still a go-to option for those looking to get rid of loose skin, excess fat and repair the underlying muscular structure.

Women who have recently completed their families and want to achieve a tighter, younger-looking stomach area after their final pregnancy are the most common tummy tuck patients. This means that additional planning is required for a procedure of this nature.

During recovery, tummy tuck patients need tons of rest and won’t be able to do any heavy lifting for several weeks. They will also need to be at home for 2 – 3 weeks before they’ll be ready to return to work – even longer if they have a particularly active job.

So, it only makes sense that you would want to speed up your recovery so that you can return to your normal routine as soon as possible.

Tips for Speeding Up Your Abdominoplasty Recovery

Over and above following your surgeon’s specific post-care instructions, here are a few other tips that could accelerate your recovery period.

Balance rest with some light walking. For the first two weeks of your recovery, you will need to get as much rest as possible. With that being said, it’s also highly recommended that you get up and walk around the house every few hours as this will increase blood flow, which will help you to heal faster. For more details about this procedure, you can visit Waverley House tummy tuck page.

Ask for help. Mothers are used to juggling multiple tasks at once but this is one time in your life where you need someone to assist you. You won’t be able to run after your children or attend to your usual chores so plan ahead and make sure that there is someone around for the first two weeks to assist you after your Waverley House plastic surgery procedure.

Make your nutrition a priority. To speed up your recovery, you want to make sure that your body is getting all of the necessary nutrients so plan out your meals ahead of time so that your kitchen is fully stocked with all the right foods once you get home after your surgery. It’s important to skip foods that might make you constipated or gassy as this could lead to unnecessary pain during your recovery. It’s also critical that you stay hydrated as possible.

Prepare a recovery space. When you get home after your surgery, it helps if your room is ready and set up for your recovery. Make sure that you have lots of pillows and that you can easily read a book or watch movies. It’s also a good idea to have your pain medication at home when you arrive so that you can jump straight into bed.

Keep a positive attitude. It’s not always easy to be out of action for so long when you’re used to being on your feet and busy. A positive attitude will ensure that you stay on track during your recovery. Lean on your friends and family for support after tummy tuck procedure if you need it.

Further Information about Tummy Tuck Surgery Results