Combining Procedures - Yvonne's Excess Skin Removal

Dr Matthew Peters Massive Weight Loss and Skin Reduction – Yvonne’s Story

Yvonne’s excess skin removal – She had tried to lose weight for years and finally had gastric sleeve surgery which enabled her to lose a massive amount of weight. She then had several excess skin removal procedures with Dr Matthew Peters, Plastic Surgeon from Valley Plastic Surgery in Brisbane, QLD. Yvonne says her journey has
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What to expect with a Mummy Makeover – with Dr Craig Rubinstein

For those of you who missed our Facebook Live chat with Melbourne Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Craig Rubinstein on Mummy Makeover surgery, here it is for you to view at your leisure. He also chats with us about a heap of other procedures, post op care, and wound management. Dr Rubinstein heads Coco Ruby Plastic
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Michelle's Tummy Tuck

Donna’s Breast Augmentation, Tummy Tuck and Brachioplasty with Dr Amira Sanki

Donna’s journey started about 4 years ago when her and her husband were trying to fall pregnant. Obese her whole life, Donna realised she had to lose the weight. She shares her massive weight loss and subsequent excess skin removal journey with us. Her multiple procedures with Dr Amira Sanki, Plastic Surgeon from Sydney include
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Leannes Multiple Procedures

Leanne’s Multiple Procedures with Dr Gavin Sandercoe

Leanne’s Multiple Procedures Leanne has had a bit of a journey when it comes to the procedures she needed after massive weight loss and had her first surgery in May 2018 where she had a breast lift and inner thigh lift. Then in August had a lower back lift and outer thighs, followed by an
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Mummy Makeover Dr Jeremy Hunt Facebook Live

Dr Jeremy Hunt is one of Australia’s most recognised in mummy makeover, experienced and skilled plastic surgeons and we were lucky enough to have him on FB live. For those of you who missed it, here’s the video. If you have any questions regarding Mummy Makeover for Dr Hunt, please contact his clinic. Read more
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Diary of a tummy tuck patient

The Diary of a Tummy Tuck Patient – Day by Day Recovery

The Diary of a Tummy Tuck Patient Day 1 Good morning everyone. I survived my first night, slept intermittently amongst the beeping IV drip, the blood pressure machine and leg compression machine going off every few seconds. Pain wise I’m ok if I don’t move at all, so getting out of bed to use the
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Weight Loss Excess Skin

Your Reconstruction Program – Weight Loss and Excess Skin Procedures Planning

For many patients, getting to the point of undergoing plastic surgery is not an easy process or journey. In a lot of cases there is massive weight loss (MWL), pregnancy and childbirth, or years of thinking about it before it actually happens. Losing weight is a massive undertaking and a big step forward in the
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carleys journey

Katie’s Abdominoplasty with Dr Nicholas Moncrieff at Hunter Plastic Surgery

Katie is 26 years of age with 4 kids including triplets! After her pregnancies and her children’s births, with abdominal muscle separation, Katie still felt pregnant! She decided to get a tummy tuck and ended up with Dr Nicholas Moncrieff from Hunter Plastic Surgery. Katie is super happy with her results and wanted to share
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Combined Procedures: Which plastic surgery procedures can you have at the same time?

Many patients want or need more than one procedure, especially massive weight loss patients with excess skin in several areas on their body. Combined procedures are a popular choice for some patients but there are several things to take into consideration to make sure it’s right for you. We chatted to Dr Amira Sanki, respected
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