Zita: People don’t recognise me. I walk down the street and I go, “Hello.” They look at me. If it wasn’t for my hair, they wouldn’t know. My old nose was like a hook nose. I had this very big, prominent hook nose. I was very self conscious, yes. Very, very self conscious of this very big, prominent nose that I had. Yes. It also affected my breathing because it was so big. When I used to breathe in, it used to collapse in and it used to shut my breathing. I couldn’t get a full breath of air into my lungs.
Dr. Jeremy Hunt: A rhinoplasty is a procedure that is performed on the nose and it’s going to be primarily for two reasons. To change the appearance of the nose and then to improve the passage of air through the nose. People will come to me considering a rhinoplasty if they are born with a particularly big nose or they have a hook on their nose. They’ll come to me if they have had injury to their nose, such as a broken nose on the sporting field, and there is now deviation or bend, or if the nose is somehow blocked. It’s my job to come up with a tailored operation to get them the result they’re after, both functionally and aesthetically.
Zita: I went looking for three different doctors that I was going to see who I felt most comfortable with. I think Dr. Hunt was the second doctor that I came to. I totally forgot about the first one when I saw Dr. Hunt and I totally forgot about the third one when I saw Dr. Hunt. I thought the surgery was wonderful. The girls, Heidi and Mary, did a wonderful job of organising everything for me, which was beautiful because the other doctors, I had to organise everything. It was wonderful that the girls did that for me. That took a lot of pressure off me.
Dr. Jeremy Hunt: We performed a procedure that involved taking off the bony hump and taking down the cartilage bump. We have shortened the nose by elevating the tip. We’ve narrowed the junction of the nose with the face and that was done under general anaesthetic in a hospital. In that procedure, there are going to be some breaks in the bone and afterwards, there’s a plastic splint placed on. There’s going to be some incisions inside the nostril and one underneath and they’re going to need some stitches. The stitches inside will dissolve and the ones underneath, we need to remove.
Zita: I love my new nose and I can’t stop staring at it. I keep looking at it all the time. While I’m driving, I’m looking in the window. Oh, beautiful. You know? It’s improved my confidence. It’s improved my self-esteem. It’s improved a lot of things. How I communicate to people, how I talk to people. I’m a lot more confident. Yes, definitely.
Further Reading about Rhinoplasty Surgery
- Dr Mark Doyle Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) Surgery Queensland and NSW
- Nose Surgery / Rhinoplasty NSW by Dr Mark Gianoutsos
- Rhinoplasty Surgery Auckland NZ by Dr Mark Gittos FRACS (Plast) – New Zealand Plastic Surgeon
- Rhinoplasty Surgery – Nose Reshaping in Sydney by Dr Kernohan
- Top 5 ways to Improve Your Nose – 5 Popular Nose Job Procedures
- Rhinoplasty Gold Coast & Brisbane | Dr Mark Doyle
Read Blogs about Rhinoplasty by Dr Jeremy Hunt
- 4 Best Rhinoplasty Surgery Case Studies performed by Dr Jeremy Hunt, Sydney Plastic Surgeon
- From Big to Beautiful – Rhinoplasty Recovery Time
- All About a Nose Job in Australia – Australian Rhinoplasty Surgery
Other Useful Blogs
- Danne’s Neck Lift Patient Story by Dr Briggs – I’ve never felt better!
- ASAPS Conference – Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons Annual Conference
Contact Dr Jeremy Hunt Sydney Plastic Surgeon
If you’d like to arrange a consultation with Dr Jeremy Hunt phone 1300 157 200