Motiva Breast Implants with Dr Craig Rubinstein Decades of ongoing research have gone into creating a safer, controlled advanced smooth surface breast implant that improves biocompatibility, resulting in Motiva®. Motiva® continues to drive scientific understanding of the factors that determine the body’s response to implants, and that the complications associated with traditional macro-textured implants so Read More…
What to look for in a Breast Surgeon – Find an Experienced Specialist Choosing a surgeon for any breast surgery can be a little overwhelming. How do you know that you’re choosing the right one? It’s a lot of money to spend on yourself, especially if you aren’t happy with the final outcome. We chatted Read More…
I first started looking into getting breast implants in about 2010 as I was not happy with my size at that time. I realised though that I was actually trying to increase my breast size to balance out the size of my bum at the time which was starting to become a little large… So Read More…
What size breast implant will you choose? What shape? What about projection? Placement? Under or over the muscle? Navigating through all your implant choices can be overwhelming. We recently hosted Dr Pouria Moradi, Specialist Plastic Surgeon based in Sydney, on our closed Facebook group to talk to answer all our questions about breast augmentation and Read More…
You’ll love this Facebook Live with Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Pouria Moradi on Breast Augmentation & Implants, where he discusses with us about deciding on the right size, type, projection, placement, etc of breast implants. Any questions you may have about breast augmentation are covered in this fantastic facebook live with Dr Moradi, from Park Clinic Read More…
Get up close and personal on A Facebook Live with Dr Matthew Peters, Specialist Plastic Surgeon from Valley Plastic Surgery in Brisbane where he shares with us information about breasts, implants, Motiva ergonomix implants and a whole lot more. Dr Matthew Peters is a highly respected Australian Plastic Surgeon. To see some of his patient Read More…
Dr Terrence Scamp talks about the Benefits of Motiva Implants Anyone with or thinking about implants will probably have heard or seen the media coverage on textured implants and the concerns some women have about implants. Many of Australia’s top plastic surgeons including Dr Terrence Scamp from the Gold Coast prefer Motiva Implants and we Read More…
We recently covered Breast Implant Revision a Facebook Live with Dr Eddie Cheng, Specialist Plastic Surgeon, Brisbane. Dr Cheng is the Plastic Surgeon who heads up AR Plastic Surgery in Brisbane and on this Facebook Live he shares with us information about Breast Implant Revision. At Plastic Surgery Hub we have gathered the questions that Read More…
We chatted with Dr Andrew Greensmith, Specialist Plastic Surgeon at Melbourne Institute of Plastic Surgery about Motiva implants. We wanted to chat to him about why he chooses to use Motiva implants and what makes them stand out from the others. Motiva Implants are said to achieve a more natural looking breast and are leading the way Read More…