When you’re researching something it can get tedious reading too much text. Pictures are great, but they can only tell you so much. Videos on the other hand can get a huge amount of info across in a short period of time, and when they’re straight from a plastic surgeon you can be sure you’re getting the most relevant and correct information possible. Dr Gavin Sandercoe, highly qualified Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon from Bella Vista in NSW has identified the value in videos and prepared some on various procedures and topics that he has loaded onto his website. This is a great source of info and we chat to Dr Sandercoe about why you should watch videos about plastic surgery procedures.
Know your procedure
For a start, if you are looking to have any sort of procedure or surgery you want to know what you’re in for, don’t you?! You want to understand what preparation you might have to do, whether the procedure is suitable for you, what is involved in the actual procedure, and what scarring you will have afterwards. Sometimes you might have to scroll through pages of text or several websites just to find the information you are looking for, but Dr Sandercoe says he’s tried to include everything you might need to know about a procedure in his short videos. “I wanted to make it easy for my patients to learn more about a particular procedure. I’ve created videos for the most popular ones I perform, and tried to include answers to the most common questions patients ask.”
Dr Sandercoe has created videos for the following procedures. In some cases he has more than one to cover the same procedure. This is due to making new videos each time he wants to add or update the information to better inform patients. To watch any of them just click on the links.
Breast Reduction
Breast Explant (Removal of Implants)
Breast Explant 2
Breast Augmentation
Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
Abdominoplasty 2
Abdominoplasty 3
Tummy Tuck Procedure
Breast Reduction
Breast Fat Grafting
Brachioplasty (Arm Lift)
Body Contouring
Body Contouring 2
Breast Reconstruction
Male Plastic Surgery
Fat Grafting
Facial Reconstruction
Facial Surgery
We suggest you definitely check these out if you are considering any of these procedures. They’re a great place to start (or continue) your research and knowing what’s involved in the procedure you are considering.
If you’d like more information on Dr Gavin Sandercoe check out his listing, or read the real stories and blogs below. You can also phone him on 1300 112 358 to arrange a consultation.
Kristie’s Fat Transfer to the Breasts with Dr Gavin Sandercoe
Breast Fat Transfer – Dr Sandercoe tells us more about it…
Kaiya’s Mummy Makeover with Dr Gavin Sandercoe
Body Lift After Massive Weight Loss