Urinary incontinence is said to affect 37% of Australian women. That means that more than one out of every three women suffer, or have suffered in the past from this common complaint, although it is something not all of us are happy to admit we experience. Yet, with today’s technology and medical developments there are solutions! So if you’ve got Urinary Incontinence – What Can You Do About It?
Today we want to let you know about a solution that Azure Medical in Cottlesloe, Western Australia offers at their impressive new medical centre. IncontiLase is a laser solution based on photothermal stimulation that works to tighten the vaginal tissues and strengthen the bladder to reduce or even erase incontinence. Producing amazing results with almost 94% of people reporting a marked improvement after the treatment, which is virtually painless with little to no recovery time. We spoke to Sally who had the procedure with Dr Richard Newton at Azure Medical.
Sally says, “I had the IncontiLase procedure with Dr Richard Newton at Azure Medical. I found the treatment to be slightly uncomfortable but the reassuring professionalism of both Dr Newton and Nurse Ailsa Simpson was very comforting. After recovery my husband definitely noticed the difference! And, after only one treatment I too have found that my stress incontinence problem has improved. I can’t say I’m particularly looking forward to the second treatment itself but I am keen to experience life after it! I would also add I’ve had surgery to correct problems in the past and I can tell you the recovery after laser treatment is MUCH faster and less painful.”
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There are a few different types of incontinence, the most common of them being stress incontinence. Stress incontinence occurs during everyday activities that put any sort of pressure on your abdominal muscles, such as physical activity, lifting heavy objects, coughing, sneezing or laughing. It can be triggered by loss of bladder strength and weakened pelvic floor muscles brought on by pregnancy, childbirth or menopause.
Incontinence is something that can affect our everyday lives. It can stop us from doing things we love to do, and can be a source of embarrassment and discomfort. Take comfort in the fact that if you suffer from incontinence, you are not alone. If you would like more information on Azure Medical and how to book in for one of their IncontiLase procedures click here.