Like many breast reduction patients Tika had always had big boobs. She decided 2019 was her year and took the plunge to get a breast reduction. She says it was one of the best things she’s ever done. Tika was one of our beautiful members of our closed Facebook support group and shares her story with us.
For a long time I have wanted a breast reduction. I’ve always had big boobs… I remember being at least an E cup when I was 17. After 2 kids (now 10 and 3) and turning 35 this year I decided it was “year of the boob”!
In Feb I saw my GP who happily supported my decision to get a BR/BL to help with all the issues I’d had with headaches, backache and shoulder pain – not to mention the issues I had finding clothing to fit. On top I was a 14 mainly because of my boobs, but my frame was more a 10-12. I was also a 14 on the bottom since having my 2nd baby.
So, with a supportive hubby and family I went ahead and made an appointment with Dr Nick Moncrieff from Hunter Plastic Surgery, after much research and watching discussions on the Plastic Surgery Support Forum for Aussie Chicks Facebook group. I live in Newcastle, and was prepared to travel for the right person. After meeting Dr Moncrieff I was more than happy with ‘going local’ and choosing him as a surgeon. So my first appointment was on Wednesday 20 Feb, 2019… and luckily for me, there was a surgery spot available on Friday 8 March, 2019. So no time was wasted in getting things done!
All up I had a bilateral breast reduction, abdominoplasty and lipo on thighs, back and sides. Although I’m still very much recovering, I don’t regret it at all. I’m still very swollen (and feeling it after the heat today) but I can’t wait to see what my new body will look like in a few weeks/months time. I’m so happy about my boobs in particular. Already I can notice the difference in comfort and how big my tops were on me just to allow for my large breasts. I’ve gone from a 10H (my left breast more of a J) to somewhere around a 10C/D (depending on what happens once everything has settled). SO AMAZING! One very happy customer here ??♀️
Thank you to Hunter Plastic Surgery, all the team are amazing, and thank you to this group for advice and support (even when I’ve been a relatively quiet member). ?
Here’s some more patient stories from Dr Nicholas Moncrieff.
Further Reading Related to Breast Reduction Surgery
- Breast Reduction Melbourne by Dr Carmen Munteanu FRACS (Plas)
- Will Medicare cover my surgery? – Michael Kernohan
- Does Medicare Cover Breast Reduction Surgery?
- Can I Use My Super For My Plastic Surgery?
- Breast Reduction by Dr. Guy Watts | Plastic Surgeon Perth
- Breast Reduction Sydney – Soliman Plastic Surgery