For those struggling with stubborn deposits of fat on their tummy, thighs and buttocks, Liposuction sure seems like a simple quick fix. And it truly is – it will efficiently remove pockets of fat deposits from the abdominal region and improve your physique. But here is a catch: Post Liposuction, you might get rid of love handles and muffin tops, but you increase the chances of gaining belly fat or the vicious visceral fat.
According to new research done by a Brazilian research team hailing from University of São Paulo, it is almost impossible to get rid of fat completely. Liposuction will only target specific problem areas; after all, it is a cosmetic procedure. But since your body is already prone to storing more fat, the new fat stored will be redistributed throughout the abdomen to become visceral fat instead of becoming just subcutaneous fat, and that is any day more dangerous for your health.
However, there is some good news – regular exercise post a liposuction procedure can counteract this fat gain.
The Scoop on Visceral Fat Gain Post Liposuction
Liposuction targets subcutaneous fat; which is nothing but fat cells right underneath the skin. Such fat deposits can mar your physique and create unsightly bulges. However, it is impossible to keep the fat lost from coming back without good old fashioned exercise. And what is worse is that the new fat is gained in the form of visceral fat, which is stored in the abdomen around vital organs and hence increases risk of life threatening diseases such as Diabetes and Cardiovascular problems.
But, should you take care of your health and ensure you get regular exercise, this effect can be negated. According to the research study that discovered the new shocking findings, exercise is the only way to make liposuction’s slimming effects last.
Published in Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism in July, this research studied 36 female subjects. They were aged between 20 and 35, led a rather sedentary lifestyle but were not exactly obese, and opted for liposuction for a toned and trimmed physique. Half of these women were put on an exercise regimen two months after the surgery that required them to workout three times a week. Their regular routine included a 5 min warm up, 40 minutes of cardio and basic strength training exercise. The other half of these women could lead their regular sedentary lifestyle. Six months later, the women who did not participate in exercise had gained over 10% visceral fat as compared to what they had before surgery. On the other hand, the women who were on the exercise regimen for 4 months did not gain any weight back and in fact, had lesser overall body fat content as compared to what they had before the liposuction procedure. They also got fitter and showed remarkable improvement in insulin sensitivity.
Can Exercise Make Fat Loss Post Liposuction Permanent?
Scientists have not been able to understand why visceral fat gain is triggered post liposuction. Some speculate that the reason is most patients are so content with their physical appearance post liposuction that they do not engage in any physical activity because they do not feel the need for it. Hence – they gain weight and in more dangerous areas since liposuction permanently remove subcutaneous fat cells, so the fat cells from other areas of the body start to accumulate more. Others believe that our body is fine tuned to defend its stored fat, since fat is so important for a variety of body processes. That is why once fat is removed from one area with the help of liposuction procedure, it automatically starts accumulating in areas where the procedure has not been carried out.
Whatever the reason might be, the only way to prevent visceral fat growth is to stay physically active, if you want the weight loss achieved via liposuction to be permanent. Exercise makes fat loss last as it changes the body’s metabolism and keeps it from trying to compensate for the sudden fat loss.
According to doctors, liposuction is nothing but a contouring procedure. It can remove already existing fat deposits, but it cannot prevent new fat deposits from accumulating. Only exercise and a balanced healthy diet can achieve that; hence the two need to go hand in hand with a liposuction procedure for maximum results.