Jeanette’s story is one all too familiar for women who naturally grow larger than average breasts. Whilst many women dream of having bigger breasts, there are those that have them too large. Having really large breasts can cause a range of physical and emotional issues.
Jeanette has been brave enough to give us an honest account of her experience and tell it as it really is.
Q: Jeanette, what prompted you to have plastic surgery?
Neck and Back pain were the physical problems I endured but the deepest and most sinister problems were self-esteem.
Meeting new people, going to the shops – anything social – became unbearable. I would grocery shop very early in the morning and be exiting before any crowds started. I would always wear a black knitted vest over my work shirt that was way too big but I felt it covered me and hide the pulled shirt buttons, it didn’t matter how hot the day was my vest stayed on. Going for job interviews was exceptionally difficult; anything out of my normal routine was hard as I felt that everyone was looking at the woman with the huge breasts. They were not looking at my resume, my qualifications nor my potential or me as a person.
I felt like a freak. I hated sitting across people in the trains heading into the city, I dreaded when the trains jolted as they moved; I would have my bags or my hands folded anything in front of me to try and stop my huge breasts moving. I didn’t like walking because of the constant weight on my neck and shoulders – so exercise did not happen. I was also fed up that there was only one store in the heart of the city that I could purchase my bras from. I truly felt isolated because of a physical difference.
Q: What plastic surgery procedures have you had?
Did they all run smoothly? Was there any unexpected trials along the way?
Breast reduction. It went perfectly. Dr Damian Marucci requested I give up smoking which was not a problem as I was already trying – it only gave me the impetus.
Q: Looking back at your journey, is there anything you would have done differently?
I would have had the surgery years ago and not listened to the advice of “it doesn’t matter” or “don’t do it”. I literally feel I am born again with a new lease of life.
Q: What advice would you have for anyone looking at the type of surgery you had?
My only advice is look deep inside and ask yourself “what do You want?” Has your difference affected your life in a way that you have adjusted your social interactions? Your clothing? Your self-esteem, self-confidence and self-worth without even realising it?
Q: What doctor did you have, and did you feel they did everything they should along the way?
I had Dr Damian Marucci. He was incredibly personable and explained the whole process. I had concerns that an acquaintance of mine had had the operation a few years ago and she was not to lift her hands above her head. Dr Marucci explained that his procedures and line of thought is very up-to-date; he would have me wear a front closing soft cup bra after the procedure and the movements and results should be a lot better. They were!
Q: How do you feel now in comparison to how you felt before your plastic surgery journey? What things can you do now, that you couldn’t before?
I feel Awesome. Everything without anxiety. I can now walk, which I couldn’t do before. And yes, I have lost weight also because I feel better and can move better.
Q: How did your family and friends react to your surgery?
Before the surgery- the usual polite way saying they didn’t realise it bothered me and they loved me no matter what. After the surgery – Wow what a difference, I look great.
Further Reading about Breast Reduction Surgery
- Breast Reduction Surgery in Sydney with Dr Kernohan
- Reduction Mammoplasty (Breast Reduction) – Dr Jake Lim
- Can I Use My Super For My Plastic Surgery?
- Breast Reduction by Dr. Guy Watts | Plastic Surgeon Perth
- Breast Reduction Sydney – Soliman Plastic Surgery
- Breast Reduction Melbourne by Dr Carmen Munteanu FRACS (Plas)