What is enBloc? Breast Explant or Breast Implant Removal – With Dr Hertess

EnBloc Breast Explant or Breast Implant Removal

For any woman who’s considering having their breast implants removed, it’s important to know what happens in the process. Having your implant removed by a surgeon who knows what they’re doing is essential, and we chatted to Dr Isolde Hertess, Specialist Plastic Surgeon to tell us why you need to know what EnBloc is.

Dr Isolde Hertess

What is enBloc?

By definition enBloc means ‘all together or at the same time’. Dr Hertess explains what an enBloc refers to for a breast implant removal. “EnBloc refers to surgeons who during a breast explant, or breast implant removal procedure, remove the implant, scar tissue AND capsule. In all my breast explant surgeries I remove the capsule, and this is essential to ensure that any silicone that may have leaked outside the Silastic shell are also removed.”

A big reason for women wanting their implants removed is that they have a ruptured implant or are concerned about Breast Implant Illness (BII). BII is said to be caused by the implant leaking it’s fluid into the patient’s body. The Breast Implant Illness website says that implants contain over 90 chemicals and this no doubt is the underlying cause for many of the symptoms relating to BII.

So, this is why it is essential to ensure that your surgeon understands exactly what needs to be removed, and how, for every patient wanting to remove their breast implants. Choosing a surgeon who knows what they’re doing will also ensure you get the best aesthetic results possible from your explant.

Reasons for Breast Implant Removal and Enbloc Removal

There are many other reasons why women want their breast implants removed including:

  • Rupture
  • Leaking
  • Breast implant illness symptoms which can vary hugely from patient to patient
  • Personal preference – we all change our minds or priorities as we age
  • Physical pain such as neck, back and shoulder pain.
Breast Implant Removal patient of Dr Isolde Hertess Specialist Plastic Surgeon

If you’d like to arrange a consultation with Dr Isolde Hertess  fill in the form here, or if you’d like to find out more about Enbloc read the blogs below:

Further Reading about Enbloc and Breast Implant Removal