Recently we had the pleasure of visiting Dr Scamp at the luxuriously appointed Esteem Day Spa in the Marina Mirage on the Gold Coast. At the Plastic Surgery Hub we are 100% committed to our vision of Australians having their cosmetic and plastic surgery done in Australia by highly qualified surgeons. We believe it’s a false economy to have your cosmetic surgery procedures done overseas, as risks and complications can arise.
So we asked Dr Scamp what he thought were the risks of having cosmetic surgery overseas. Here’s what he had to say:
“The most common problem seen is that of people suffering from minor complications that were not attended to by their overseas doctor, which subsequently develop into more serious complications.Errors of judgement made by overseas doctors is another common issue, such as using the wrong shape implant, or failure to correct asymmetry, all due to a lack of attention to detail and failure to do the best job possible.
The least common, but most alarming problem is where people develop complications that have never been seen before which can result in being scarred for life.”
We asked Dr Scamp about the implants that may be chosen by an overseas doctor, and this is what he had to say –
“One of the concerns about plastic surgery in Asia is that a lot of the modern implants are not yet available there, likely due to the higher cost. So people may think they have a particular type of implant when in fact it is an inferior copy.
It’s also important for people to find out the qualifications of their surgeon or they run the risk of being operated on by an unqualified doctor. However with the language barrier, understanding what qualifications and training an overseas surgeon has can be difficult to establish.”
Why do we discourage traveling overseas for cosmetic surgery?
Basically, we have some of the best surgeons here in Australia, so our belief is why travel? At the hub we do hear quite a number of horror stories about overseas cosmetic surgery. Of course complications can and do arise in Australia too. The difference is you are here, and we have a fantastic medical and legal system to support you if something does go wrong.
The choice is yours!