Breast Fat Transfer or Autologous Fat Transfer is getting increasingly popular as it is seen as a more natural option to increasing breast size rather than implants. Technology and technique has brought fat transfer well and truly into it’s own and it is now a seriously attractive option for those women wanting natural feeling and Read More…
Imagine a futuristic world where there are flying cars, robots to do our housework, and plastic surgery procedures where we can move the fat from our unwanted areas and put them in places we want, like from our stomachs to our breasts. While you may have to wait slightly longer for the first two (sigh), Read More…
The popularity of breast augmentation or a boob job has also given rise to the number of different surgeons and doctors performing the procedure today. You want to make sure you choose a plastic surgeon who has a proven track record, particularly in this procedure, such as Dr Patrick Briggs at Coco Ruby Plastic Surgery in Melbourne,Victoria. Read More…
Lindsay knew she wanted plastic surgery after she finished breastfeeding her fourth child. Having lost a lot of confidence as a result of being unhappy with what her breasts looked like, Lindsay found Plastic Surgeon Dr Rohit Kumar and after discussing her options had a breast fat transfer augmentation. This is her story. The surgeon Read More…
Breast fat transfer option came as an alternative to implants at exactly the right time – when the problems of implants were becoming more widely known and more and more patients were speaking out about breast implant illness, ruptured implants and other side effects of traditional implants. Fat transfer is the future As with any Read More…
Fat Transfer to Breast Patient Story Interview Trish: I’m really excited; I’m here today with Kristie. Kristie has just recently had fat transfer to the breasts with Dr Gavin Sandercoe, plastic surgeon in Bella Vista in New South Wales, Sydney. I’m really excited because we always get asked about fat transfer to the breast, so Read More…
INCREASING IN POPULARITY Breast fat grafting, or organic breast implants, is fast becoming the most popular breast enhancement procedure. It has been gaining momentum for the last few years, but it is now well and truly here. We’re excited because we are fans of this growing trend and Dr Gavin Sandercoe has been granted coverage Read More…
Dr Nimrod Friedman on Fat Transfer Q: We found a lot of enquiry for people looking for Fat Transfer to the breast, but we find it hard to find a practitioner in Australia that does it. Are we lagging behind? Dr Friedman: Well, this is an involving issue and I don’t want to say it’s Read More…
I recently had a consultation regarding fat transfer to the breasts, with Plastic Surgeon Dr Simone Matousek, who practices out of rooms in Potts Point. From the time I walked in I was really impressed with the helpful friendly staff, especially as I was there in the early hours of a rare Saturday morning consult. Read More…