Jess’ story will resonate with so many of us. Her story is a really inspiring one and her results are awesome!
Growing up I was never very fussed or bothered about appearance. I grew up in Melbourne where the weather is often on the chilly side and never found swimming or sports appealing. Music was always my first love and I would sit for hours on end happily playing my piano. Because of this I didn’t put much time, effort or energy into health or physical self care. I didn’t feel like I needed to and I never knew any better or different, with nothing to compare myself to. At the age of 14 I had a sudden growth spurt and as a result I was left with stretch marks. I remember my younger years, always dressing in baggy and conservative clothing. I didn’t wear these clothes because that was my style choice – I wore them to hide the body underneath.
Life moved on and I met and married my husband Ryan. I decided I wanted to be trim and terrific for our wedding so I managed to lose 25 kilos. I felt empowered and like I had finally got a grip on my body. It was a huge achievement for me. My self esteem was at its best yet.
After only having been married for one year and enjoying my new figure, I fell pregnant and it caught me by surprise. My pregnancy was not planned and as things progressed, I was left feeling like I was losing grip of the body I had worked so hard for. During my pregnancy I felt constantly hungry, unwell and ate my way through the 9 month process! I felt sick and would constantly vomit if I felt any sense of hunger or I felt like I would faint if I exercised. I couldn’t help it and it was extremely disheartening putting back on the 25 kilos I had previously lost.
At the age of 25 I gave birth to a beautiful little boy named Harry. I love my son and wouldn’t change it for the world. But still, I was left with even more stretch marks, unsightly cellulite and an extra 25 kilos of weight.
By the time my son was one year old, I had surprisingly lost the 25 kilos all over again. It wasn’t easy. I was happy but not as happy as the first time. My stretch marks were still there but worse and now I had more than before. My breasts were extremely saggy with lots of excess skin and while I felt thin, I was still unhappy and I always felt embarrassed. It affected my marriage as I always felt self conscious when it was sexy time – thank goodness for lights out, am I right ladies?!!!
I knew I had to do something. Some girls buy expensive bags, some buy designer shoes, but I wanted boobs!
I spoke to my husband and he supported my goal. Then it was on and happening – the hunt began for the right plastic surgeon to help me achieve my body goals. I did my research. I went to 4 different plastic surgeons across Perth and spent good money on consultations, but it never felt right.
Then one day my husband heard about Dr Anh. A colleague at his work was sharing how his wife had just had a breast augmentation with Dr Anh and the amazing results she had. So I booked myself in.
I remember when I first met Dr Anh, I instantly felt the genuine and humble soul she carries. She treated me with such dignity and respect in the consultation process and I somehow felt as if I had already known her for years rather than 5 minutes. She got me. The element I was mostly impressed by in my consultation process was that Dr Anh listened to me. She let me speak, she took her time, she absorbed my story and let me express what I was chasing. I didn’t receive that same treatment in my previous consults and felt I was told what I was having and that was that.
Not long after, I underwent a Breast Augmentation and nipple lift. I was nervous on the day of my surgery and the whole process leading up to it. I had never had a general anaesthetic before and for some reason this worried me, let alone been operated on. I planned everything to the very last moment, and it definitely paid off. I remember waking up after my operation feeling pleasantly surprised how quickly it was all over. Before I knew it I was home, with my new boobs, relaxing and watching movies in bed. After the process was over, I remember thinking how Australia has world class hospital facilities and some of the most highly trained and skilled plastic surgeons in the world, so what on earth would make girls go overseas for surgery? Now that I was on the other side, it really baffled me. The follow up and post operation care I received from Dr Anhs team was second to none. Regular visits to change my dressings, place me under the healite, and just all round support for me was priceless.
I remember visiting Dr Anh several months after my surgery and expressing to her my joy with the results and how happy I was with how everything went. I remember Dr Anh looked at me and casually said “did you know that we can dramatically reduce the appearance of your stretch marks?”. This was music to my ears. All that I had ever heard, researched and read was that once they are there you’re stuck with them. I had previously tried everything and anything to help the appearance, but stretch marks are tough. After my breast augmentation had healed and settled I underwent C02 laser in the clinic and the results were thrilling. With only one treatment they looked 60% better already and the results were beyond what I thought I would otherwise have to live with. I was excited that I didn’t have to just accept and deal with them and that I could do something real and effective to change it. I am grateful to Dr Anh that she didn’t just look at my main issue that I originally presented her with, she looked beyond that and took the interest and time to offer me different options and treatment plans for other things that I could brighten up my body conscious issues. I have always felt like a real person to Dr Anh, not just a client or customer. She took me on as a patient in my entirety and this kind of approach was my comfort.
My advice to anyone who is looking at undergoing any type of plastic surgery would be to plan. Know your stuff. Do your homework. If you are diligent in this there will be no unforeseen surprises. I would also advise others not to rush the process and enjoy it. If you’re looking at a breast augmentation, have fun trying on the different size implants. Keep your expectations realistic. Bounce the idea off a girlfriend or partner, involve your dearest and enjoy the process – let the surgeon and the team do the rest for you.
My breasts are now 9 months old and I couldn’t be happier. I feel it adds to the inner confidence that was already there, but needed some helping along. Having them now, I feel quite like I was born with them and that they are apart of me. My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner.
There is often a stereotype on women who have their breasts done. They are often labeled as vain, self absorbed and lots of other superficial branding. But what about those women who just want to fit better into clothes; the women who have survived breast cancer; the women who wants to enhance her marriage; the women who don’t know what it’s like to barely even have breasts. We all have our reasons and stories behind desire to seek the help of a plastic surgeon. Whatever your reasons they are all valid. I wonder… What’s your story going to be?
If you’d like more information about Dr Anh Nguyen check out the blogs below, or if you’d like to arrange a consultation phone (08) 9322 2659.
Want Breast Implants But Too Expensive? Think again…
One Stop Shop with Dr Anh
Congratulations to Dr Anh Nguyen, Winner of People’s Choice
Further Reading Related to Breast Augmentation
- Breast Implants Perth | Breast Augmentation – Dr Watts Surgeon Perth
- Breast Augmentation Surgery in Melbourne, Victoria by Dr Carmen Munteanu
- FAQs about Breast Augmentation by Bish Soliman
- Breast Augmentation – Breast Implants in Sydney by Dr Kernohan
- Augmentation Mammoplasty (Breast Augmentation) by Dr Jake Lim
- Breast Augmentation Surgery – Dr Mark Doyle FRACS (Plast)