Dr Craig Rubinstein Breast Augmentation with a Lift results Patient Story – Breast Lift with Implants!
Just recently we chatted to the remarkable Jenna, and we’re so excited to share her story with you. When Jenna was 22 she lost 35kg over a period of around 8 months. She was exercising and eating better than she had in years. But, even though she had always had naturally big breasts (GGG), when she lost the weight, her breasts went down 5 to 6 cup sizes! This was when Jenna decided she needed a breast lift and implants. She was 175cm tall and 69kgs. That was July last year (2016) and she is now loving her beautiful new boobs.
Jenna tells us with confidence that the most important thing she did when planning her procedure was choose the right surgeon. Jenna had her procedure done with Dr Craig Rubinstein from Coco Ruby Plastic Surgery, although she says Dr Rubinstein wasn’t the first surgeon she consulted with. “I met with another surgeon and wasn’t really happy with him. He didn’t really tell me much and it felt kind of rushed. I must have only been in there for 20 – 25 minutes. I did further research and ended up meeting Craig in Melbourne. The experience was completely different. The consult with Craig ended up being 2 hours and he went across everything about the implants; the risk with the lift; he asked if I had any questions for him about his training or the hospital where it would be done – he really went across everything and made sure I knew that if I thought of anything else I could just ask him.”
One of the things you need to consider when having breast implants is where to put them. There are two choices – under or over the muscle. Jenna says, “I wanted to go under the muscle because they feel more natural and they tend to look more natural, and I think if they’re under the muscle there’s less chance of impact with breastfeeding. I said I still wanted to be full up top and that’s why he suggested the round ones.”
If you are having implants before you’ve had children, you want to make sure you advise your surgeon. There are certain things they can do to minimise risk of interference with breastfeeding when the time comes.
Jenna says she originally wanted to go bigger however Dr Rubinstein explained to her the risks of going bigger straight away, such as premature sagging and giving the body a better chance of adapting to the implants. Jenna says because she’d always had really large boobs, she wanted to get them back to the way they were. She says she’s really happy with her results, although she would consider going bigger a little further down the track. Jenna ended up getting the 450 round textured silicone high profile mentor.
So, we asked Jenna how the procedure went and how her body adjusted after the surgery. “After my consult with Dr Craig it was about five weeks until the surgery. I organised time off from work. People don’t even notice that I’ve had it done! When I tell them, they always comment on how natural they look. I took 4 weeks off work because I work as a nanny to twins. At 3 ½ years old they still require a lot of lifting. However, I would have been fine to go back after 2 ½ weeks. I bounced back much more quickly than everyone thought.”
“I felt fine when I woke up from the surgery – it felt like little bit of pressure – it was a couple of hours after I got a bit of pain when I went from lying down to sitting up. It was nowhere near as bad as I thought they’d be. I was on 2 endone every 4 hours for the first 48 hours. And then only took it at night for about another week. Then I stopped altogether.”
Jenna stayed in St Vincent’s Private Hospital in Kew overnight. She had her own room and says the nurses were really friendly. “At the start I had a support bra and the week later I went back and got fitted for the sports one. I wear it every day and when I sleep. One thing that made the difference I iced them afterwards, and I think that really helped with the swelling. One of my friends who had hers done said one thing that helped hers was icing them a lot.”
So, how about the scarring? Jenna says they are completely flat and already starting to fade! A great surgeon will increase your chances of having minimal scarring. Dr Rubinstein has a really solid reputation for producing subtle and less noticeable scarring.
Jenna says the most important thing you can do is to research your surgeon and make sure you’re happy with the surgeon you choose. She also says, “I wanted someone who specialised in the procedure I wanted to have done. You’re paying for someone to permanently alter your body so I wanted them to know what they were doing. Also, make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons – not because someone told you to do it. Research the hospital – follow the instructions afterwards. I followed everything, took all the tablets I was meant to and mine healed really well.”
Jenna has plans for other surgery. “I want to speak to Craig about going bigger at 1 year post op. My Health Insurance might even kick in because it could be considered revision surgery instead of cosmetic.”
Jenna is super happy with her boobs and thanks Dr Craig Rubinstein at Coco Ruby Plastic Surgery. What she says about researching your surgeon is something we promote here at the Hub wholeheartedly. It really makes all the difference when it comes to results. If you’d like more information on Dr Craig Rubinstein or any of the other amazing surgeons at Coco Ruby Plastic Surgery in Melbourne check out the blogs below.
More PSH Blogs about a Breast Augmentation Results Patient Story
- Georgi’s Breast Augmentation Story with Dr Nick Moncrieff Newcastle Plastic Surgeon
- Not everybody is ready for surgery… here’s how You can be… with Michelle, Patient Advisor, Coco Ruby
- Things to Consider about your Breast Augmentation
Further Reading about Breast Augmentation Surgery
- What are the most natural looking breast implants? – Dr Michael Kernohan
- Breast Surgery | Augmentation & Reduction Mammoplasty
- Breast Augmentation Before and After Photos
- Breast Implants Perth | Breast Augmentation
To Contact Dr Craig Rubinstein
If you’d like more information about Tummy tuck or any procedures, you can contact Dr Craig Rubinstein at Coco Ruby Melbourne