Trish Hammond: I’m really excited today, because I’m here with the Embrey girls, the Embrey family, and this is just the girls from the family. We’ve got Vicky, we’ve got Mel, and we’ve got Trina. Vicky is the Mum, and Vicky is my age, so I know exactly what she’s going through. Then we’ve got Trina and we’ve got Mel. They’ve just been through remarkable life changing journey starting with the gastric sleeve. Now they’re looking at the next step, they’ve all lost a shit load of weight. That’s the only way I can put it, is a shit load of weight. They’ve just totally transformed their lives. We’re going to have a bit of a chat with them today, and see how the family that diets together stays together. Welcome, ladies.
Trina Embrey: Thank you.
Vicky Embrey: Hi.
Mel Embrey: Hi.
Trish Hammond: Good to have you here today. I share a part of your journey and I’m so envious, because I’m never going to get to the weight that you guys are, although I always want to. Anyway, so tell us, I think we’ll start with you – Trina’s the oldest daughter. Trina was the first person to start the family on this journey. Trina tell us, what was the thing that made you decide that, “Oh my God, I need to do something about it.” I know what it’s like to come from a family of let’s say, overweight, stocky, naturally curvaceous women. What started you on the trip?
Trina Embrey: Well, my little sister come to us and she was pretty upset, and she said she was looking at getting the gastric sleeve, which I’d never heard of before. I was like, “I think that’s something I need to do,” and I was still unsure about it, and then I happened to be in the yard, and heard a dog jump the fence, and was going to attack a husky. I tried to run after this dog and I couldn’t because everything was just moving up and down. I was just so unfit and unhealthy. That was my wake up call, because I’ve got a son and I’m thinking, “What if it was him in an emergency situation, and it was my fault that he was seriously hurt or if he died?”
That was my lightbulb moment that I needed to do something.
Trish Hammond: How long ago was that, Trina?
Trina Embrey: That would have been about August 2014 when that happened.
Trish Hammond: It’s not even that long ago.
Trina Embrey: Right, yeah, and I had my first appointment with the surgeon in October. I couldn’t afford private health insurance as a sole parent, and I couldn’t get a job because people looked at me and thought I was lazy and wouldn’t do a good job.
Trish Hammond: Fat people don’t get a job?
Trina Embrey: Yeah, it was really hard. All employees just took one look at me and, “No, she’s fat and lazy.” That was another thing that made me decide to do it. They gave me the option of I could wait and do intermediate, which was a cheaper option, and I’m like, “No, I don’t want to wait.” I’d probably talk myself out of it, and I’m just going to get bigger and bigger if I wait longer. I was done in December, so within two months of my first initial appointment, I was done. The 9th of December 2014. It was a very hard Christmas.
Trish Hammond: Yeah, because you would’ve still been in recovery mode through Christmas without a doubt.
Trina Embrey: Yes, I was on liquid diet and all my family was sitting there and eating it up, and I was spewing out on my lunch.
Trish Hammond: You poor thing, I feel for you, I know what that feels like.
Trina Embrey: I wanted to start the New Year fresh, basically. 2015 was going to be my year to change everything, and that’s what I did.
Trish Hammond: Awesome, so how long … Sorry, might as well talk about your surgeon. Which surgeon did you go with, because you live up northern Queensland, don’t you?
Trina Embrey: I was living in Rockhampton at the time, but Mel had done the research and Dr William Braun his name is. He hadn’t had many complications or anything like that. He had a really good reputation, so I decided to go with him. We all did. Again, it was my sister that did most of that for us.
Trish Hammond: Yeah, sure. After you had your surgery, who went next? Mel, or your Mum?
Trina Embrey: They both did.
Trish Hammond: Same time?
Trina Embrey: Same day, yeah. Dr Braun had a special day created at the hospital for them, and they were done on the same day.
Trish Hammond: Oh, that’s awesome. How long after you? How long after your surgery?
Trina Embrey: Two months.
Vicky Embrey: Two months.
Trish Hammond: Okay, so you’re all kind of went through it together at the same time.
Trina Embrey: Pretty much, I was still struggling, I had a little bit of issues after mine. For the first 5 months I was basically on a liquid diet, but I’d still do it all again.
Trish Hammond: I know what you mean, I actually had a lap band years ago. I was only 92 kilos, but I had lost weight from 120 down to 75, then I put on weight. I went to melt down, had a lap band, and I really struggled with it for the whole five years. In hindsight, I wish I’d got the gastric sleeve then, because …
Trina Embrey: No one knew about it though, Trish. No one really knew about the sleeve, I didn’t even know what it was until Mel explained it and showed us on YouTube. The only weight loss surgery I had ever heard of before Mel said the sleeve was the band, and I’d lived with a woman that had the band, and I would’ve preferred to stay fat than put up with the gastric band. I wouldn’t have done it.
Trish Hammond: Some people actually had great success with the band. I know so many women that do, it’s just it’s a real personal thing, what works for one doesn’t work for the other, but anyway.
Trina Embrey: 90 percent, I reckon have had issues with the band.
Trish Hammond: Yeah, right, right. I don’t know what the stats are but gawd, that sounds like a lot. I’ve had mine removed, and I’ll tell you, I love eating bread. I almost eat it by the loaf, but – anyway, that’s another story. Tell me, now that you girls are … Are you all at your goal weight, first of all?
Vicky Embrey: I past mine long ago.
Trina Embrey: I did, I got down to my goal weight, which was 70, well first, the surgeon had given me a goal weight of 80 kilos, because I was 135 kilos.
Trish Hammond: This is Trina? Trina, you were 135?
Trina Embrey: Yes, I was 135 at my biggest, and then I got down to 70 kilos.
Trish Hammond: Wow.
Trina Embrey: I had spurs in my feet, all that plantar fasciitis, or whatever it is. I could barely walk, and after five or 10 minutes of exercise, I was done. I would get out of bed and it was like walking on pins and needles.
Trish Hammond: Yeah, right.
Trina Embrey: I dropped to 110 kilos, and that was gone. I could walk, and I’m like, “You know what, any weight after this is gravy.” I was happier. That and it just kept falling off.
Trish Hammond: That’s really funny, because my Mother, bless her soul, she’s in heaven now, but she passed away about five years ago, and she passed away as result of issues related to things to do with weight, basically. We won’t even mention how so, but to do with weight. Over the time I just look at how much she must have cost in care from Medicare etc. The government was amazing, Medicare was amazing, that she had so much support, she had carers and stuff like that. She was always very frightened to have surgery, because it was called stomach stapling in those days. She was always really frightened to have it done because the only surgery she’d ever had was surgery when it’s to do with when it was life saving stuff. In the sense of she had cancer and all that, so surgery frightened her, but I always look back and think, “Oh my gawd, if she’d just had the surgery, and gone through the weight loss, I’d think she’d still be with us today.”
Trina Embrey: Oh, yes.
Trish Hammond: Apart from that, I think to myself, “My gawd, how much she must’ve cost the healthcare system.” I think that sort of surgery should be covered … I think the government should cover that sort of surgery because I think in the long term, they actually gain, because you’ve got people with a better health, and Apart from the fact that you have a better lifestyle, you have a better mindset, less medication, less health problems, and I think in the long run, it’s just going to be more beneficial everyone.
Trina Embrey: Not the pharmaceutical companies. That’s what it’s all about. They’ve got to make money.
Trish Hammond: Well, I know, don’t even get me started on that one. Trina, you were 135, you got down to 70, what are you now?
Trina Embrey: I’m sitting at around 72, 73.
Trish Hammond: How tall are you?
Trina Embrey: I’m 170 centimetres.
Trish Hammond: Oh, wow, so yeah, you’re looking … I looked at photos of you, you look pretty cracking hot. All three of you actually. It’s like, “God,” especially if you see the before and afters, and I will add some of the photos that you guys have said I can, when I put this up as a blog post. Just so everyone can see, because you guys look freaking amazing.
Vicky Embrey: Thanks.
Trina Embrey: Our Mum says the same thing, too.
Vicky Embrey: Yeah.
Trish Hammond: Trina, you’re pretty much at your goal weight, your body has settled at 72, 73, and that’s probably going to be your weight forever, I would say.
Trina Embrey: I think so, because basically they said at about two years out, you can put on five kilos also, and that’s where your body will settle, basically. As long as you’re careful, you can regain if you’re not careful.
Trish Hammond: Oh, totally. I’ve actually known a lady who had the sleeve and she lost weight and then she ended up putting it all back on. Probably and a whole lot more, which is just a shame because I don’t know what went wrong, but it just … I don’t know. It’s probably rare, but I have heard it before.
Trina Embrey: Bad habits.
Trish Hammond: Which is so easy. It’s so much easier to shove a bit of chocolate down your mouth than it is nutritious.
Trina Embrey: We’re on a lot of the pages like the Facebook weight loss pages, and a lot of them on there are like, “Oh my God, I’ve slipped back into old habits,” or “But I love my chocolate and I love my Coke.” All this stuff, and I’m like, “Hello.”
Trish Hammond: I know. I was talking to your Mum, actually I think I was probably stalking your Mum. We were talking, and she was saying how, because I’ve still got all my old habits. I’m just a … I don’t, I have not learnt how to eat properly. I go through stages. She was saying she doesn’t do sugar anymore, she doesn’t do chocolate anymore …
Vicky Embrey: Thanks right..
Trish Hammond: She eats mainly protein, and I’m like, “Wow.” People think that you have the gastric sleeve and then you’re going to lose weight, and everything’s going to be hunky dory, it’s easy, and it’s the cheats way or whatever. That’s just bullshit, because it’s still so freaking hard.
Vicky Embrey: I cheated death.
Trish Hammond: Yes. Totally.
Vicky Embrey: I cheated death because I was … My blood pressure was really high, cholesterol was high, foot spurs, angina, incontinence.
Trina Embrey: She was on the verge of having a heart attack.
Vicky Embrey: Sore joints and the doctor said, “You’re on the verge of heart attack.” I couldn’t move, because both my feet, I had the foot spurs or whatever you call it. I couldn’t move.
Trish Hammond: How old were you, you were like 30 …
Trina Embrey: Oh, no, this is Mum. This is Mum.
Vicky Embrey: This is me.
Trish Hammond: Oh, we’re talking to Vicky, now. Okay, sorry, sorry. You had the foot spurs, too?
Vicky Embrey: Yeah, both feet and I tried to exercise and the doctors were saying I was eating off a small plates and everything. Bugger it, and I got so depressed. I just started eating three cream buns and I just …
Trina Embrey: She’d sit there and eat a bag of Twisties.
Vicky Embrey: I gave up, I was just like, “I can’t exercise.” I had those foot spurs and then Mel come to me, and said about she had to do something with her life. She goes, “Mum, have you thought about it.” I went, “No.”
Trish Hammond: You all did it together, so Vicky, while we’re talking to you, then. What weight did you start out at?
Vicky Embrey: 110.5, I think it was.
Trish Hammond: Okay, and you got down to …
Vicky Embrey: I’m now 57.
Trish Hammond: How tall are you?
Vicky Embrey: 170 centimetres.
Trish Hammond: You are tiny. I’ve got photos of you, you’re like … You’re so tiny.
Vicky Embrey: No, I’m not.
Trish Hammond: You said that before, but you bloody well are. You look great though.
Vicky Embrey: Curves now, Trish.
Trish Hammond: While we’re talking about you, Vicky, because I know that you’ve had … You’re going another step in your journey. You’ve just recently had some plastic cosmetic surgery. You could you just give us a little bit about, and we’ll talk to you in a second as well, Mel. Just while we’re on your Mum, just give us a bit of history. You lost all your weight, you’ve got heaps of it, excess skin. Your boobs …
Vicky Embrey: No, it’s more in my stomach. I’ve got a lot of floppy old granny belly. I really don’t care about that part, I lost over 200 centimetres off my whole body, because I used to measure myself as well as weighing myself. I lost my total … I was a double D. An 18 or 20 double D bra. Then I went down to about a 10 triple A.
Trish Hammond: Oh my God.
Vicky Embrey: I had nothing, I was absolutely like a surfboard. It caused social anxiety, depression, I just couldn’t look at it. I started looking around at plastic surgeon and took me four months to get through my super to get it. I had to go and see a psychiatrist and all that, and he was great.
Trish Hammond: Okay, so you basically, because you didn’t have the funds to get it done, which personally I think it should be covered, but anyway that’s another story. You didn’t have the funds to get it done, you went through your superannuation.
Vicky Embrey: I had to, because I haven’t worked, because I crushed my hand in Brisbane with a job, what now four years ago. I haven’t worked since then, and I reckon some of it should be covered, a lot of it should be covered by Medicare or something. All of us need plastic surgery, but we can’t.
Trina Embrey: I can’t do it.
Vicky Embrey: We can’t do it.
Trish Hammond: It’s seen as cosmetic, although …
Vicky Embrey: It is but it’s still expensive.
Trish Hammond: It is I know. Let me tell you that there are some, because you’re all massive weight loss patients, there are certain entitlements that you are entitled to. Once you hook up with a plastic surgeon that you decide to be yours, they can tell you what you’re entitlements are. The thing is, you’re not covered for hospital, which means, if you can’t afford hospital cover, it’s worth getting. You’re not covered for hospital and you still have the gap, you know what I mean? You want to do a bit of shopping around and find the surgeon that’s the right price, and the right fit for you. Tell us, how I met Vicky for everyone out there, how I met Vicky is on the closed plastic surgery help support forum that we’ve got on Facebook. Vicky had just had her breasts done, and she was having a bit of a meltdown, weren’t you, Vicky?
Trish Hammond: Tell us what happened, because there’s a reason I want you to share this Vicky, is because I know … I want you to share with people what happens if you have surgery, you’re not feeling the best after surgery, and we expect it to be perfect first off … With all surgery, even with my breast lift, you get it done and first you think, “What the hell have I done” because this is either ridiculous or … That’s not that that happens to everyone, but you think, “Oh my gawd, what have I done,” I doesn’t look like what you wanted. It can actually look downright bloody scary, you think you’re being butchered, anyway. I met Vicky during this trip, and I’m thinking, “Oh my gawd, is Vicky going to be okay?” Tell us, because you’re two weeks post op now, aren’t you Vicky?
Trish Hammond: What, so it was last week?
Vicky Embery: Yeah, it was last Thursday.
Trish Hammond: Crikey, I feel like I’ve known you forever. Eight days. Wow, I didn’t realize it was only eight days now, my gawd, of course it is. Tell us what happened. Vicky, first of all, how are you feeling now?
Vicky Embrey: A little bit more human today. It’s just a nerve coming down the right hand side of the right breast. It hurts, like burns. Someone said to me, get off Endone as quickly as you can. I was trying to do that, and my surgeon when I went and saw him the other day goes, “Keep taking that.” He said, “Don’t try and be brave because it’s not easy.”
Trish Hammond: Totally. I think I’m one of those advocates to … If you need painkillers, you’ve got to take them, but the sooner you get off them, I think that’s when your body starts to heal. Even myself after my breast surgery I was on Endone for six months. I actually started double dosing. I know, it was really bad, I got addicted. My breast lift recovery was horrible. Having said that, I’d do it all again. At the time, I was double dosing on things, and I ended up being really quite ill. In fact, that was the reason that I actually started plastic surgery hub because I thought, “Oh my gawd, their needs to be some support out there.”
So Eight days later, you’re feeling a whole lot better, your boobs are actually looking better than what they were as well?
Vicky Embrey: Oh, I think so, yeah. I told the girls, I’ve got to wear that strap thing all the time.
Trina Embrey: Push them down?
Vicky Embrey: To push them down. The right one’s dropping down more than the left one, but that’s all right. What caused my blues …
Trina Embrey: Frankenboob.
Vicky Embery: It wasn’t the frankenboob, I went in with no high expectations of what I wanted to look like straight away, because I knew from being on the hub forum and the other ones, that they do look disgusting for a while. I was probably still drugged out of it, I guess, and this nurse come up to me to get me ready to go home, and she touched one of my boobs, and she’s flopping away at the skin. She went, “This doesn’t look right.” “This is not right,” she goes, “I’ve never seen this before, I’ll be right back.” Oh my God, that just give me a total melt down, and I went, “Oh my God, I did my research on my surgeon, I did all that, people tell me he’s good. What have I done, what have I done?” God, if I could’ve took a whole box of Endone I would have.
Trish Hammond: Basically, you’re okay with it, until the nurse that was there sort of said, “Oh my God, I’ve never seen anything like that.” She put you into a bit of a tailspin.
Vicky Embrey: A bit of a tail spin, I was a mess. I had four days of “What have I done to my body, oh my God.”
Trish Hammond: I know you were, I was worried about you. As you know, I reached out because I thought, Oh my God, I need to speak to this lady, because she’s just having a bit of a meltdown. Anyway. It was worrying for me as well, to be sitting on the outside watching.
Vicky Embrey: It was scary, it was. I’m so fortunate I’ve got such a great family to look after me.
Trish Hammond: Totally, totally. That’s good, so you’ve had your breasts done, and that’s … I mean you’d love to have your tummy done, but just wait and see what happens with that. Down the track or whatever, all right. Now, let’s get on to you, then. What weight did you start off at, Mel?
Mel Embrey: My heaviest was 195 kilos.
Trish Hammond: What? 195.
Trina Embery: Yeah, still had full time job, and a partner, sorry.
Trish Hammond: Tell me, tell me say it again.
Mel Embrey: Trina was just saying I still working full time and I had a partner, and all that kind of stuff at 195.
Trish Hammond: Wow, wow. What weight are you now?
Mel Embrey: Sitting around 104.
Trish Hammond: That is amazing, Mel, congratulations. That’s just like …
Mel Embrey: I did get down to about 98, but I’ve started at the gym and gained a bit of muscle. It’s going back up over a 100, which is hard to deal with. I worked hard to get under 100, now I’m back over it, but I just got to get under it now.
Trish Hammond: I know what you mean, about it being hard to deal with, because I’ve given up on myself at the moment, so I’ve got to get back on track. You do, it’s different, like us, it’s fatties, we’re crazy. As far as our weight goes, a little bit on the upside, and if you’re like me, I just have a total melt down.
Mel Embrey: I don’t have a melt down as such, I just don’t go near scales anymore. I more go by my clothes. I do know I’ve gone up that little bit of weight, and my clothes still fit exactly the same. I don’t know what’s happened there.
Vicky Embrey: It’s an addiction, though, Trish.
Trish Hammond: It is, totally.
Vicky Embrey: It’s an emotional addiction. We have an emotional attachment to food and drink. We absolutely do, because the night before our surgery, I was saying goodnight to my grandson, and I always sing Amazing Grace to him. I just lost my shit. I was crying, and he looked at me, and he sat up, and he goes, “Are you going to die, Nanna?” “Oh, honey, no.” Then I realized why I was crying, because I was losing my friendship with my food.
Trish Hammond: Yeah, right.
Vicky Embrey: That was the first thing I thought of was food. As I realised that, I was fine the next day. I was ready to go to the hospital.
Trish Hammond: Isn’t it funny, so is your family big?
Vicky Embrey: Yes.
Mel Embrey: Yes.
Vicky Embrey: Both at once.
Trish Hammond: Both sides? Okay.
Vicky Embrey: Each side loved their food, they can go back and get three plates of food. Not a problem.
Trish Hammond: Any skinny?
Vicky Embrey: They’re all fat.
Trish Hammond: I was thinking they were skinny -good for them.
Vicky Embery: On my side, my parents, my brothers, my sister, huge.
Trish Hammond: Right. My sides are a little bit the same, one side is quite big but I have an excuse for that. I figure it’s because my Dad comes from, and my Mum in fact, come from villages in Italy where they were poor and they come over here and they’ve got all this food, so they’re constantly like, “You’ve got to eat more, because the more you eat, the healthier you are, the richer you are.” It’s food, quantity is related to how rich you are in your life and hence they grew a family of fatties. We’re changing that pattern.
Vicky Embrey: Yeah, but it’s the whole eat everything on your plate. We brought our kids up the same with our little brother. He’ll eat everything on your plate before he’ll leave the table. Can’t waste food.
Trish Hammond: There’s people out there that are starving, and you’ve got it, you’ve got to eat it.
Vicky Embrey: You pay for it, wasting the money, rah rah rah rah. My husband, he comes from a family of 11, and they had to eat when they could. They’re all fat. They’re all teletubbies, they’ve got hemochromatosis, diabetes, they’ve all got that. He’s the same. The three of us, when we go out, we get a small meal, and we can share it, we’ve still got some left over. He’ll eat his big meal, and then he’ll go and eat ours as well.
Vicky Embrey: He can’t handle wasting that food.
Trish Hammond: Yep, sounds like my Dad. Exactly the same, he does that … He cleans everyone’s plate, and when I say that, he eats what’s left over.
Vicky Embrey: Yep, that’s exactly it.
Trish Hammond: It’s a funny mentality. Mel, back on to you, again. Tell me, do you have a goal, do you have a goal where you want to be?
Mel Embrey: My goal was 90.
Trish Hammond: Okay, so you’re not far off.
Mel Embrey: No, not far off.
Trish Hammond: How tall are you?
Mel Embrey: 170 centimetres.
Trish Hammond: Okay, great. How’s your skin? How’s your skin bounced back?
Mel Embrey: I’ve got quite a bit around my tummy area and my legs. That’s where I carry all my weight, is around my stomach and my legs. I’ve got a little waist, so my waist is pretty small. My arms haven’t done too bad, but I’ve put that down to my job while I was losing the weight. I do a lot of heavy lifting and stuff.
Trish Hammond: It sounds like you’re building up muscle at the moment, which is a good thing for yourself, and your sister is what’s going to happen, because you’re younger. What’ll happen over years, I think is … Never tighten back but probably a whole lot more than your Mum’s will, just for the fact that you’re younger. You want to make sure you use lots of moisturizing creams. Not necessarily creams, but oils and massages. Whatever you can do to help the skin bounce back a bit.
Trina Embrey: I had a C-section, so mine’s got no chance of coming back, unfortunately.
Trish Hammond: That’s Trina, isn’t it?
Mel Embrey: Yeah, it’s Trina.
Vicky Embrey: I had a C-section too.
Trina Embrey: Mine’s really bad, it’s all my weight around the belly. My belly is big.
Trish Hammond: You girls might seriously want to have a look at, if you can afford, your health insurance or hospital cover anyway. There’s definitely some really good things at the moment for people that started off with a BMI over X amount. Do all of you three ladies fit in, and that’s for abdominoplasty, so there are options there for you that’s not going to be as expensive. Having said that, as a massive weight loss patient, it’s always a bigger job than it is for someone who just lost 10 kilos and wants a tummy tuck or whatever. It is major reconstructive work, that’s for sure. Definitely something to look at down the track. Mel I wanted to ask you as well. Do you have children?
Mel Embrey: No. It’s one of the reasons why I had got the sleeve done, because I do want … It is the plan, it is the plan.
Trish Hammond: Yeah. Cool, I just got to find someone first. Oh, you did say you need to find someone, do you?
Mel Embrey: No, that’s fine, I already got someone.
Trish Hammond: That’s all right, then.
Mel Embrey: He’s been there the whole time.
Trish Hammond: Yeah, good, that’s amazing. I love guys like that, so supportive of you?
Mel Embrey: Yeah. He doesn’t – like … I can get down on myself about how I look sometimes, and he just stands there, and raise his eyebrows, and is like, come on.” He’s been really good. When I first went to him and I said to him, I said “I want to get this surgery,” he just turned around and said, “You know, you do whatever makes you happy, I’ll be here no matter what.”
Trish Hammond: That’s so good. That’s what we all want, we all want that … What’s his name?
Mel Embrey: I met him when I was, I think I was 160 kilos when I met him.
Trish Hammond: Right, so he just loves you for you.
Mel Embrey: Yeah, perfect.
Trish Hammond: Perfect, but you’re doing this for you anyway, not of anyone else.
Mel Embrey: Yeah, exactly.
Trish Hammond: Now, that’s good, that’s good. I don’t know what else I want to ask you guys, I’m just totally blown away with what you’ve achieved, because I think because I’ve seen the photos as well. We can bandy around numbers as much as you want, 190 to 105, but when you actually see it physically in the flesh, it’s like, “Holy freaking moly.” You guys have done so well.
Vicky Embrey: Trish is it’s like …
Trish Hammond: It’s surreal.
Vicky Embrey: I never saw myself as big, I never saw my girls as big. I guess I just saw their soul, I just didn’t see ourselves as big.
Trish Hammond: You just … It becomes your normal. It’s good when see the after ones, because you can see how far you’ve come.
Vicky Embrey: Yeah.
Trish Hammond: That’s great. Look, that’s been awesome talking to you ladies today.
Vicky Embrey: Thank you.
Trish Hammond: Thank you so much for taking the time, and for you listeners out there, if you want to have a share of Vicky, Trina, and Mel’s story, we’ll be putting up a blog shortly. Otherwise, if you need to know anything else, just drop us an email, [email protected], and is there anything that they can help you with, I’m sure they’ll be happy to share their journey. If you haven’t already, you’re also welcome to join our Facebook closed forum, which is called Plastic Surgery Hub Support Group. Thank you so much ladies.
Trina Embrey: Thank you.
Vicky Embrey: Goodbye.
Mel Embrey: Bye bye.
Trish Hammond: Catch ya.
Trina Embrey: Bye.