Teens and Plastic Surgery
Teens are generally deterred from plastic surgery (such as breast implants) since their bodies are still growing and maturing. However, in some cases, plastic surgery can be beneficial.
Teens are often teased about their appearance. They may be too fat, their nose may be too big or their ears may stick out too much. These issues can negatively affect a teen’s self-confidence, causing poor grades, depression and inadequate social skills.
The current trend is that the number of teens opting for plastic surgery is actually decreasing – and has been since 2002. In that year, there were just over 220,000 procedures performed. In 2006, that number dropped to just over 178,000. In 2013, the number of plastic surgery procedures performed on teens dropped to 130,502.
The most popular procedures in 2013 were chemical peels, laser hair removal and microdermabrasion. Ear surgery (otoplasty) was the most commonly-performed procedure among teens. Nose reshaping is also common and can be performed in the early teen years. Breast-related surgeries are also highly-requested, but should be postponed until the breasts are done developing.
What Teens Should Know
Plastic surgery can offer many physical and emotional benefits. However, it is important for teens to properly assess themselves before deciding to opt for a procedure. They should assess the situation from both physical and emotional standpoints. For example, it is likely futile to have a 16-year-old get a breast augmentation because her breasts will likely continue to grow. However, if that same 16-year-old wanted to get laser hair removal, then that would be a better choice since hair keeps on growing, no matter what. In this situation, it wouldn’t be helpful for her to wait a few years.
Teens should also be realistic in regards to what they should expect. Each person has a different body type and one procedure isn’t going to make someone look like a movie star. Plastic surgery does have its limitations.
Teens should also check credentials. Some teens have these procedures done behind their parents’ backs and end up choosing unlicensed providers – or maybe even their own friends. However, to ensure their safety, teens should act responsibly when choosing accredited facilities.
It is also important for teens to understand the risks involved. No surgery is 100% safe. Complications can occur and there is likely sometime downtime to be expected. Find out how long it takes to recover from the surgery so that it can be scheduled appropriately (such as in the summer or other time when school is not in session).
Plastic surgery can be good in some ways. For those with deformities, some types of plastic surgery can improve appearance and increase self-confidence.