Getting a Lower Body Lift was the second part of Amber’s journey. The first was losing 89kgs!
Deciding one day that she was going to change her life, Amber worked really hard to lose weight and turned into a gym junkie! However, this created another problem. “Losing 89kgs in 18 months created a lot of excess skin and it was getting me down. I was working so extremely hard exercising but the skin wasn’t going anywhere – only more skin was being created,” Amber tells us.
So Amber realised the only solution to get rid of all this excess skin was to have surgery. She looked into it, did her research, consulted with physicians and came to the conclusion that the Lower Body Lift was suited to what she needed.
We asked Amber if the surgery ran smoothly, or if there were any unexpected trials or hurdles along the way. “Surgery mostly ran smoothly. I was under (the anaesthetic) for longer than they expected. The next morning after the surgery they tried to get me up out of bed. I fainted and needed a blood transfusion. I ended up going home with 4 drains in a few days later. One was taken out at the 3 week mark and the others not long after that.”
Drains are used in the Lower Body Lift and other procedures to assist in draining fluid that often builds up under the incision. They help to assist in and speed up the healing process, also reducing the chance of infection.
We ask Amber to tell us about what is involved in the Lower Body Lift. “They started from the back and worked their way around to the front. I now have a 360 degree scar!”
Amber says her doctor was fantastic. “He answered everything I had plus reassured me that if I had any more questions he was happy to help. He very much made the whole experience a very pleasant one.”
When we asked Amber if there was anything she would have done differently, or any advice that she has for anyone looking at a Lower Body Lift, she says “I’ve no regrets at all. I’ve worked so hard to lose the weight before my body lift and maintain it through the healing process.
It is major surgery and like any surgery there are risks but it will be worth it in the long term.”
How does she feel now in comparison to before your surgery, and has she got the results she was after? “I love my result. I have a little toning to do but over all I’m very happy and very thankful as well. 11.6 kilos of skin was taken off! My workouts are so much easier to do without all the extra skin.”
Amber tells us she is looking at having one more surgery for her arms, which are toned with muscle, but also have that excess skin.
Often, with these stories, we hear about family and friend’s reacting to the person’s surgery with unexpected negativity but Amber says hers were supportive. “They knew all the work I had done to lose the weight and to finally start getting the body that I’ve been working so hard for; they were so excited for me.”
We’re excited for Amber too, as she looks amazing after having her Lower Body Lift and seems to have a new lease on life. Even when there are a couple of hurdles along the way, as Amber says, it’s all worth it in the end.