Body Contouring with Surgery – Removing Excess Skin

Australians are getting fatter. Approximately one third of us are obese which amounts to approximately 5.2 million Australians. As more of us become dangerously overweight, more Australians than ever are opting for surgery to help them lose it. Whether it’s lap band, gastric sleeve or just through sheer hard work, many do manage to lose
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Liposuction in Sydney

Liposuction in Sydney – an A – Z guide on liposuction with Dr Jeremy Hunt

* UPDATE – Dr Patrick Briggs is now based in Melbourne at Coco Ruby Plastic Surgery * If you’ve got some stubborn fat, one of the best ways to get rid of it is liposuction. There are some great non-surgical devices on the market now, but they can only do so much, and they also
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How Liposuction Works

How Liposuction Works with Dr Patrick Briggs

Despite there being a whole range of fat blasting devices and treatments on the market, liposuction is still one of the most effective ways to remove stubborn fat. Whilst it’s definitely considered more invasive than other techniques, it can’t be beaten on results. Dr Patrick Briggs, Specialist Plastic Surgeon from Melbourne, Victoria has many years
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Susan's Brachioplasty

Susan’s Armlift with Dr Jeremy Hunt – Batwings, Tuckshop Arms, Bingo Wings Be Gone!

Susan’s Armlift journey – With over ⅔ of Australians said to be obese or morbidly obese at some stage in their lives, this also means there are a huge number of us losing massive amounts of weight. Shedding the weight is not just awesome for our health and life expectancy, but for our self esteem
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Vaser Liposuction

Vaser Liposuction – Why It Beats Traditional Lipo with Dr David Chin

One of the most popular treatments to gain momentum in 2016 has been the new generation liposuction procedure and it’s benefits, (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy) Vaser Liposuction – Why It Beats Traditional Lipo. Here’s why we think why? Vaser liposuction has been a huge success for thousands of patients as the procedure is becoming
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Thigh Liposuction

My Thigh Liposuction with Dr Paul Quinn

Haya tells us about her surgery experience where she had liposuction to her thighs. The surgery was performed by Dr Paul Quinn in Perth WA. After years of struggling with the size of my thighs I decided to undergo liposuction to the inside, front, sides and back of my thighs. I am 22 years old
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Adele truSculpt - Before & After

Jo’s Body Lift Patient Story with Dr Mark Hanikeri – Excess Skin Reduction after losing 50kg

For most of us, the idea of a 7 hour marathon on the operating table is a little (lot!) scary, this is Jo’s Body lift Patient story. However, in the hands of the right surgeon, and when you combine several different procedures to be performed in one go, it can absolutely be the best way
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Liposuction Options Can Help Your Battle with Weight Issues

Have you been on a diet so long you’re beginning to think the diet is causing your weight increase or making it stagnate at a level you don’t want to live with? A research suggests that 12% of population on a diet retain their initial weight while 40% of them gained weight. Frustrating to note
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Karen's Real Story

Karen’s Body lift Patient Story with Dr Vlad Milovic – Skin Reduction after losing 35kg

Surgeon:[Dr Vlad Milovic, Reconstructive & Plastic Surgeon, Melbourne VIC Procedures: Lower Body Lift, Breast Reduction, Abdominoplasty, Muscle Repair, Butt Lift, Liposuction Date of Surgery: March 2016 I want to introduce another woman who has overcome many obstacles in life, and come out the other end intact, happy, and inspiring! I met Karen online one of
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