How to Rejuvenate Your Face Without a Facelift

How to Rejuvenate Your Face Without a Facelift – With Dr Raymond Goh

The reality, whether we like it or not, is that our face defines who we are, and how we are “seen” in and perceived by this world. Although nature provides most of the foundation of what our faces look like, our health, lifestyle, and what we do to improve our facial appearance also play important
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Cheek Lift with Dr Bryan Mendelson – Mid Cheek Surgery

Cheeks are often one of the first parts of our face to show the signs of ageing. Deep lines that stretch from the corners of the nose to the mouth start to appear as gravity slowly wins over any efforts to deny it. The slumping of cheek fat pads, skin and hollows and heaviness beneath
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Cheek Lift

Cheek Lift

A Cheek Lift (also called a Mid Face Lift) can restore the youthful contour on one’s droopy cheeks as it improves the bagginess and tear trough of the lower lids, thus, softening the unwanted cheek fold. It is a minimally invasive procedure that negates the effects of ageing on the cheeks and lower eyelids. Read
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