Hi, my name is Tania* and I’m 38 years old. I had always been proud of my breasts when I was young. Although I was a B cup, they were full and sat pretty high up on my chest. Boy did this change once I had my 3 children within a 6 year period. I breastfed them all. I had no idea what sort of an impact breastfeeding could have on my boobs and the rest of my body.
From nice perky B cups, after breastfeeding my 3 children, I ended up with ‘empty’ sad saggy looking bits of skin. I felt uncomfortable naked, uncomfortable clothed, and felt like I was starting to withdraw from my husband and even friends socially. I used to feel confident walking around naked – well, not anymore!
It was about this time that a girlfriend of mine decided to have a boob job. Her husband had left her and this set her off on a path of self-improvement. I was there to support her during this time and felt myself getting drawn into the idea of having my breasts augmented.
Yes, this was something I could do for myself. My ‘payback’ for the boobs and body I felt that I had lost after breastfeeding all of my babies. My husband said he didn’t care either way, so this was definitely something I was going to do for myself.
I researched and researched. I wanted a reputable plastic surgeon to do my surgery, I needed to make sure that I had every box ticked for safety – I’ve got 3 kids I’m bringing up! I had 3 consultations in total (yes it was expensive – between $150 – $300 per consult), and finally decided on Dr Scamp on the Gold Coast (this is the doctor that Trish had her reduction with too). I’d watched his video that covers all the questions you should ask your plastic surgeon. At the consult he was very thorough, and I liked his calmness – made me feel comfortable having my life in his hands. Plus I was told he had just celebrated 20 years as a plastic surgeon – I had been told ‘boobs are his forte!’.
He explained to me the various risks that were present with any sort of surgery and I felt that he went out of his way to make sure that I fully understood what I was heading for with my boob job. I felt safe in the knowledge that he was competent, and more importantly trustworthy. This gave me peace of mind. I booked there and then! That was six months ago now and I have to say that it was one of the best decisions of my life. I feel that I have my ‘mojo’ back and my family has the wife and mother they used to have – just a new and improved version of me.
(*real name withheld)