I recently spent the day with one of the funnest, funniest, loveliest, sweetest souls, Amelia, and her amazing boyfriend Josh. Already in such a short time, they’ve both captured a part of my heart. Amelia identifies as a transgender female, as she is currently undergoing her transition from male to female. Her breast augmentation is a huge step for her in her transition.
The day started with us contemplating what this surgery meant to Amelia. While some women may not be happy with the size of their breasts, through puberty they have natural breast growth. Although Amelia has always known she was a female trapped in the wrong body, she did not grow breasts like most females do, even after being on hormones for over two years. Because of this, having a breast augmentation was always going to be on the cards for her. Amelia wanted breasts from the time she was 16 years old, she says “like most girls”.
I can’t even imagine the frustration in life when you feel the ‘outside’ doesn’t match the ‘inside’. I can only relate to something similar feeling when I sometimes look in the mirror – I feel like I’m still in my 20’s or 30’s and really I’m in my 50’s – it’s really freaky.
I’ve only known Amelia for a short time, and I actually met her on Facebook! I meet women (and men) on their journey (or as Amelia likes to put it ‘adventure’) on a daily basis, and I have to say that Amelia is without a doubt one of the most positive and wonderful women I have had the pleasure of knowing. She is brave, honest and totally gorgeous. I even love that she just HAD to have her lips filled while she was under general anaesthetic – using it as a positive!
Amelia had 520cc Nagor Impleo “high profile” over the muscle silicone cohesive gel implants. The surgery went without a hitch and whilst it is still early days after the surgery, Amelia is thrilled with her results and can’t wait to see how her new boobs settle into place.
I feel privileged to have been able to share some of Amelia’s journey, and indeed for her to allow me to share it with all of you. I’m so looking forward to watching the rest of Amelia and Josh’s lives unfold and to sharing a part of their life journey.
Stay tuned for updates – I love this chick!