Capsular contracture complication after plastic surgery

Breast Implant Capsular Contracture – Possible Complication after Plastic Surgery

Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Capsular Contracture Capsular contracture is characterised by a hard capsule of scar tissue that tightens around the implant after breast augmentation or breast reconstruction surgery. The implant capsular contracture may be mild and without symptoms or severe and can even cause an unnatural breast appearance. The treatment of severe capsular
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Capsular Contracture – Do I Have It & Can It Be Treated?

Capsular Contracture – Do I Have It & Can It Be Treated?

When you make the decision to undergo breast enlargement, there is a chance that your body may form scar tissue around the implant. However, you won’t be able to feel this change and you may not be aware you have it at all. When the scar tissue starts to tighten too much though, it can
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