Mummy makeover

What is a Mummy Makeover

If you are wondering about a mummy makeover, you’ve come to the right place. Here you can learn about the procedure, what to expect during the surgery, the recovery time and the cost. Good Candidate Pregnancy, giving birth and breast feeding can bring major changes to a woman’s body. It may result in stretch marks,
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Symmastia after breast implants surgery

Symmastia – Possible Complication after Breast Implant Surgery

Uniboob/ No Separation between the Breasts after Breast Implant Surgery Symmastia or synmastia is a condition in which the two breasts appear joined in the middle of the chest. It’s a rare complication that can occur after breast augmentation surgery or breast reconstruction with implants. Symmastia is usually the result of poor surgical techniques or
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Fat necrosis after fat transfer

Fat Necrosis after Fat Transfer – Possible Complication after Plastic Surgery

Fat Necrosis Is a Potential Complication That Can Occur after Cosmetic Fat Grafting For patients who receive autologous fat transfers, fat necrosis is a risk. But is it a dangerous one? And can it be prevented? Plastic surgeons use fat as a natural filler to add volume and fix contour deformities in the breasts, face,
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Embolism after fat transfer

Fat Embolism after Fat Transfer – Possible Complication after Plastic Surgery

Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Fat Embolism A fat embolism is when a piece of fat blocks a blood vessel and restricts its blood flow. It’s a rare complication that can happen after cosmetic fat transfers, especially after a Brazilian butt lift. Although fat emboli usually resolve on their own, they’re considered a medical emergency.
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Capsular contracture complication after plastic surgery

Breast Implant Capsular Contracture – Possible Complication after Plastic Surgery

Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Capsular Contracture Capsular contracture is characterised by a hard capsule of scar tissue that tightens around the implant after breast augmentation or breast reconstruction surgery. The implant capsular contracture may be mild and without symptoms or severe and can even cause an unnatural breast appearance. The treatment of severe capsular
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Double bubble deformity

Double Bubble Deformity – Potential Complication after Plastic Surgery

Causes, Treatment and Prevention of Double Bubble Deformity Double bubble deformity is a complication that can occur when the breast implant descends below the inframammary fold. It’s a common problem after breast augmentation or breast reconstruction with submuscular implants. It’s believed that most of these cases happen due to the separation of the inframammary fold
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Animation deformity breast implants

Animation Deformity – Possible Complication after Plastic Surgery

A Potential Complication of Breast Implant Surgery is Animation Deformity Breast animation deformity is a breast-shape deformity that happens because of the excessive movement of breast implants during activities that engage the chest muscles. It’s a potential complication after breast augmentation and reconstruction surgery with implants positioned under the chest muscles. Implants inserted behind the
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What is a Haematoma ? – possible complication after Plastic Surgery

Everything You Need To Know about Haematomas A haematoma is a collection of blood beneath the skin that looks like a bulging bruise and commonly occurs after plastic surgery. You can develop a haematoma within 48 hours following your procedure, or the blood can pool up over 7-10 days after your surgery and after the
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What is a Seroma ? – possible complication after Plastic Surgery

Seroma – Causes, Treatment, And Prevention A seroma is a collection of clear fluid under the skin that commonly occurs near incision sites after surgery. You can develop a fluid build up right after your plastic surgery, or the fluid can build up weeks after your procedure. Most seromas go away by themselves or are
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